The Process of Progress - studies for a future me.

me in studio

The Process of Progress - studies for a future me.

The concept of Progress is often aligned with an expected outcome, a goal.
I love to think big and go for something beyond my current reach, but experience has taught me that focusing on the bigger picture can feel overwhelming. 
So instead I choose to immerse myself in the Process, developing methodologies and consistent practices that in the end, allow me to achieve more than I had first even dreamed of.

This journey never ends, and that's a good thing! 

2023 however is the year of learning, finding a distinct style, a method of communication via my art, and you, the viewer and consumer of this, are my critics, assisting me. A year-long project, releasing 10 small works every 4-8 weeks, easing my way forward as an emerging artist.  I will fail, I will thrive and I will be having fun along the way.

There is so much inside my head and heart, it will take me until my last day on earth to share it all, so let the journey begin.

These will be available as the clock strikes midnight - Sunday morning at 12:01 am, 29th January 2023.

You can find my January works here: 

...oh and if you miss out on an original artwork, there will be more in a month's time AND, I will be releasing limited edition GICLEE prints on Hahnemuhle Photo Cotton Rag 308gsm.

I had so much fun working on these over the month of January.  It was quite incredible how closely aligned the process of working small to gain forward momentum is to the '1% Rule" I used to become a World Champion mountain biker.
When I first started out riding bikes and thinking I could go somewhere with this, I entered lots of races, for experience, and to find out what I was good at, and what I liked and by the end of my first year I was gobsmacked.

My skills had progressed, and my hunger to improve did not need motivation, it was an internal drive because I was having fun with no expectations of the results.  However, the results were incredible, I won a lot of races as an entry-level rider.  This meant the next year I would and should start racing with the elite category, which meant a whole year of learning - again. Surrounded by athletes that were better than me, on courses and races that scared me, I grew.  I saw what was possible and it excited me again.  Driven by the process of small improvements, and ticking off small goals, I was sensing my space in the world of mountain biking.  I had different skills and mindset and it suited me to ride long as my endurance and grit was my secret weapon.

I feel this is not unlike the path I embarking on now, putting myself out there to find my niche, to find my expertise.  

I am grateful for the journey I have been on throughout my life, it has taught me so much, and this year, I know I am going to have a lot of fun adding my view of the world via my creative expression.  I hope you get to own a piece of it!  

Here's a sneak peek of what you can get your hands on.

Artworks Descriptions


little buller

Little Mt Buller and Beyond, January 2023 - $300

Acrylic on canvas, framed

30.5 x 30.5 x 4 cm

Being up in the mountains and seeing the expanse of even more mountains on the horizon evokes a sense of possibility and intrigue.

Both are overwhelming and inspiring at the same time.

The views never cease to take my breath away.


 red rocks2

Red Rocks, January 2023 - $300

Acrylic on canvas, framed

30.5 x 30.5 x 4 cm

The ever-eroding cliffs are full of colour and majestic beauty.

How do we take such beauty for granted, it is after all just a cliff face meeting the ocean.

cosy corner1

Cosy Corner, January 2023 - $300

Acrylic on canvas, framed

30.5 x 30.5 x 4 cm

On a day at the beach, the set-up can take a while but once you’re there, just settle in and take it all in. 

Talk with a friend, go for a dip, grab something to eat from the esky and be sun smart. 

Summer days…why can’t they last forever?


hay bales1

Hay Bales, January 2023 - $300

Acrylic on canvas, framed

30.5 x 30.5 x 4 cm

There is something intriguing about the rural landscape after the bales of hay are laid out on the many paddocks.

Almost apocalyptic in their randomness.


finley poppy

Finley and his Poppy, January 2023 - $300

Acrylic on canvas, framed

30.5 x 30.5 x 4 cm


Lawn mowing on a Saturday morning.

A child wanting to help, well before chores become just that, instead are a sign of being a big boy, and that's a good thing! 

Memories that last a lifetime, are often of the simple times spent bonding with loved ones over menial daily tasks.


vegemite 1

The Glass is Greener with Vegemite, January 2023 -$300

Acrylic on canvas, framed

30.5 x 30.5 x 4 cm

I adore my green handblown glass vessel.  

An iteration of a former still life, this is a further study of glass and how reflections and colours are translated via its surface.


citrus curry

Citrus Curry, January 2023 - $300

Acrylic on canvas, framed

30.5 x 30.5 x 4 cm

An iteration of a previous still life, my favourite porcelain pieces, the green jug and blue teapot. 

Simply an exploration of colour, composition and objects to create a bold statement.


green glass

Green Glass, January 2023 - $300

Acrylic on canvas, framed

30.5 x 30.5 x 4 cm

My favourite green handblown glass vessel. 

A visual exploration of colour, objects, light and shade.

glass study

Glass Study, January 2023 - $300

Acrylic on canvas, framed

30.5 x 30.5 x 4 cm

Simply put, this is eye candy, and I make no apologies for the bold and vibrant colours.

Get your visual sugar fix and enjoy.


point danger 1

Point Danger, January 2023 - $300

Acrylic on canvas, framed

30.5 x 30.5 x 4 cm

For many days in a row during the COVID-19 pandemic, I rode my bike to Point Danger and took photos. 

The view was the same, but the weather changes, the tide is different, and the colours change depending on the light. 

It is a magical location and I am always drawn to it, just to see what it looks like today.


See my online January Exhibition here - Sunday 12:01am, 29th January.